Monday, February 06, 2006

Stop the Madness

"Work has been crazy!" Of course, everyone says that. "I've been so busy at home!" Everyone says that too, so the last thing you want to read is me whining about how busy my life is, so I won't. I will, however, pass some of the more relevant details.

Its performance review time at work, and I have 9 awesome staff members to who will receive more $ in their paychecks. This is my favorite part of being a boss; recognizing people for their accomplishments. My youngest plays basketball every Saturday morning, and soon soccer season will start for both boys. I coach my oldest's team and the coach for my youngest's team is not coming back, and have already been approached about taking over. My wife has really ramped up her workouts. She loves the classes: step, kickboxing, muscle, 4x4, the list goes on, and I'm very interested in what she does. Its the least I can do since she has to listen to me talk about my "hobby". She does so many different classes and knows so many people that I have a hard time keeping up that I now know all of these people by the way my wife describes them to me. Here's a recent example:

Batman: "How was your workout?"

Wife: "Not that great, Turquoise Thong taught tonight."

Batman: "Wasn't she the one that taught over the weekend?"

Wife: "No, that was Tatoo Butt-Hat"

Batman: "Really? Isn't she a teacher at the school?"

Wife: "No, that's Mrs. Ralston."

My oldest son had just entered the room...He sees her every day and she asks if my wife is coming to her class.

Batman: "Oh, I thought she was the one that did the funny moves"

Wife: "No, that was Lady-in-a-Cage."

Batman: "Huh? Were your friends there tonight?"

Wife: "Not all of them, Spandex-Donna was there, so was Katrina the Vegan. Her husband ran a triathlon, but I think it was a while ago"

Batman: "Who? Wasn't she the one...nevermind". Are you going to an early class tomorrow. Do you need me to pick up the monkeys?

Oldest Son: "I saw Mrs. Ralston today, and she said she was looking for a substitute for her class tomorrow."

Wife: "Really, then I'm not going, I'll pick up the kids."

So you see folks, the workout class thing is very hard to keep up with, and sometimes, no matter how hard I try, it just can't be done. My wife has an easier time keeping up with mine. There is something to be said for running with Paul, swimming with Tom or biking with John.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Cliff said...

Lady In A Cage? That sounds kinky. Perhaps u need some workouts in your tri training as well ;)

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Steven said...

Your wife and I my wife are two peas in a pod! My wife is also doing the class thing at our club...Power Sculpt class, Kick *ss Class, Yoga, Step, etc...I just know my wife is looking hot these days as I'm sure your's is to. We are lucky guys!

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Bolder said...

you have a full, and rich, life.

think about it.

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Battman said...

You are so right Bold. I wouldn't have it any other way...


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