Wednesday, August 09, 2006

New Favorite Workout

I have a new favorite workout...brick intervals. This morning I with a 3 mile bike that includes a large hill, and I added a .75 mile run immediately afterward. I completed 2 reps in the time available. The next session I'll go for 4 or more as I move toward the "build" phase of my half-iron training plan.

The weekend has a 60 mile bike scheduled. Looking forward to testing the new saddle. I've increased the frequency of bike workouts, so that they're at least half of my total workout time. Afterall, "its all about the bike..."

Other race thoughts include getting a "bento box" to mount on my top tube to hold gels and a PBJ or two! I also want hold a cell phone to call my wife and update her on my progress. Is it against the rules? I won't ask her and the boys to wait for hours to see me four times. We live about 45 minutes from the race site, so if I call her half way into the bike, she and the boys can see me transition to the run, and follow the race from there.

Latest Itunes download: Stardog Champion - MotherLoveBone


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