Monday, November 14, 2005

Race Report: The Old Reliable Run 2005

Well, my 2005 racing season officially came to an end Sunday at the finish line of the Old Reliable Run 10K. It was a well run event; lots of activities for non-racers. Young and Associates does a great job; they have enough experience since they do just about all road events in the Triangle area. At race-time, almost 1000 people lined up for the 10K event, and the temp was 73 degrees with a little humidity. The course wound through the historic Oakwood district of Raleigh, went by the Governor's Mansion, made a U-turn at the bell tower on the NC State campus, and finished at the News & Observer office in the heart of downtown.

I saw some familiar faces from previous events including one tri-geek with a Garmin 301 (sweet); that's how I recognized him. He's got the speed to back up the gear because at one point on the course, I passed him and thought it was for good. Wrong! I heard him say to his partner, "Are you OK, I'm going to speed up". He blew by me and I never saw him again. I have got to get one of those things...

After starting intentionally slow, I hit the half-way point at 25:01 and picked up the pace. The five mile mark saw 40:03, and I was really pushing hard. I finished in 48:16 (7:50 per mile). My goal was to break 48 even, so I'm happy with the effort. The tempos and intervals definitely helped.

It was a good ending to a spontaneous "season": a 5, 8 & 10 K and three sprint tri's. Now its off to join the tri club at the Y for an off-season of serious base building and swim improvement. There are two Olympics in 2006 with my name written all over them.


At 9:27 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

Congrats on your time. 48 min and x seconds is really good. That's a good plan. To start off slow and pick it up at the end. I have a local 10 k run this Sunday and I plan on doing the same.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Recovering Alumni said...

Sounds like a great run!

At 10:17 AM, Blogger :) said...

Great race...good plan on the base building!

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Steven said...

Nice job racing smart. It's always better to start a bit easier and get faster than to start out too fast and slow down the whole way.
Keep running.

At 10:07 PM, Blogger TriDaddy said...

What tri-club are you in if you don't mind me asking?

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Battman said...

Hey Tarheeltri,

The Kerr Y in Wakefield has a tri program that started Monday and goes through March. Here is the number and link. 562-9633


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